Demonseau F.

De wondere wereld van Fernand



Fernand Demonseau was born on January 21, 1945 in Scherpenheuvel. As a young man he studied architecture, a direction that undoubtedly formed the basis for learning exact lines, form and perspective. Afterwards he attended the art academy in Tienen and studied graphic design in Vinderhoute. He followed various art groups in Tenerife, Tunisia, Germany, Austria, Greece and Rhodes. 
1945年1月21日,费尔南德·迪蒙苏(Fernand Demonseau)出生于斯海彭赫弗尔(Scherpenheuvel)。成长期间,他开始以建筑学为学习,通过学习描画各种实线、形状和透视图,为将来艺术发展奠定了良好的基础。随后,他进入蒂嫩(Tienen)艺术学院,并在文德浩特(Vinderhoute)学习平面设计。他在特内里费、突尼斯、德国、奥地利、希腊和罗德岛加入了各种不同的艺术团体。

In 1970 he began his career with a group exhibition in the Palace of Fine Arts in Brussels. Since 1971 he has been known as a creative artist and in the years that followed his hard work that lead to his acclamation to success which was not achieved  overnight. In a time span of 20 years, he had learned with great acclaim all disciplines in painting and graphic arts. It was also that curiosity that led him to represent both figurative and abstract in a new dimension. His urge for freedom into unprecedented possibilities in every field of art forced him to search for means to express visionary emotion on canvas, panel and paper. Fernand Demonseau always paints new and original, so that his works remain original and young because they radiate timeless beauty. Consistent with his attitude towards colorful works as an artist is his ability to obtain color effects. Through his color and composition technique he arouses the attention of every art connoisseur. 
1970年,他在布鲁塞尔艺术宫的一次联展中开启了自己的职业生涯。自1971年起,作为一名艺术家,他的创意灵感为众人称道,经过多年的努力,他拥有了专属自己的艺术风格。时历20载,他极好地掌握了绘画及平面艺术中的各科知识。充满好奇心的他, 使他在新的维度上代表了具象和抽象。渴望在艺术的各个领域自由追寻无限未知可能的他,在画布、画板和画纸上积极尝试以不同方式去表达自己幻想中的情感。费尔南德·迪蒙苏坚持原创新作,他的绘画作品也因为散发着经典永恒之美而总是保持年轻和新颖。身为艺术家的他不仅乐于运用各种色彩,还营造出各种色彩效果。他通过自己娴熟的色彩运用和构图技巧,吸引了每一位艺术鉴赏家的注意。 

That the oeuvre of Fernand Demonseau has become a timeless concept, is evident from the many art lovers who, even outside the borders of our country, continue to admire his works. The wonderful world of Demonseau reaches out beyond borders: the Netherlands, Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland, Tunisia, Canada, Argentina, USA, Japan ...  

Expert examination by art reviewers who have been acting as eminent connoisseurs for a quarter of a century include Remi De Damas, Raymond M, Ron Goswin, Gunnar Riebs and Jan D'Hase, with publications in various international reviews.  
在最近的四分之一世纪享负盛名,并且在各种国际评价刊物中有文章发表的一众艺术鉴赏家,包括任密·德达马斯(Remy De Damas)、雷蒙德·M(Raymond M)、朗·格斯温(Ron Goswin)、根纳尔·里布斯(Gunnar Riebs)和贾恩·德哈瑟(Jan D'Hase),提供他们的专家鉴赏意见。

The earliest period of his works is characterized with scenes molded from a stone-hardening matter depicting lunar landscapes, dragons and different-looking flowers, as well as the classics, a fleur of the Latem school, with the bright colors - thoughtful compositions in which each element fulfills its role.  

Then follows a dream period, approaching surrealism, where the architectural style awakens for a moment, back to the past, with the prongs of the needle of butterflies or of stylish buildings.  

Then the artist comes under the spell of beauty, such as beauty of the body in which human beings express their urge for the game of love. All this happens with fragility, not that of a frail female, but one of virile masculine aquiring a face. The eroticism is interpreted here by "nomen nescio". Rarely has the watercolor been given such a sublime role.  
然后艺术家迷恋追逐美感,例如人类在表达对爱情游戏的渴求时展现的身体之美。所有这些在发生时是如此脆弱,并非只是女性的柔弱,而是为了得到面子所表现的男性气概。在这里,情爱用“nomen nescio(无名之辈)”进行诠释。罕见地用水彩来表现这种无比美妙的感觉。 
Finally, when Demonseau returns to his senses, Demonseau again touches the knife and brush to give form to scenes from the dream of a moment ago. The shuddering sensibility makes way for something at first confusing, and then for the secret demon. Reverence, generosity and turbulence lead the troubled mind of an artist who has already won a place in the circle of "known" contemporary visual artists.  
当迪蒙苏最终回归自己的感官世界,他再次拿起美工刀和画笔塑造出不久之前在自己梦中出现的场景。这种颤抖的感受, 让人感到困惑,沉迷, 敬畏,宽容和躁动不安引发了艺术家的困扰,使这位已经在“已知的”当代视觉艺术家的圈子里赢得了一席之地。

The awards, prizes, mentions, exhibitions that this artist has received are evident of his great talent. A selection of these recognitions can be found on this website.








Louisa Kwan,

December  2018.